Welcome to the Merced SPCA
 Merced SPCA Home Page

MSPCA History

Adoptive Pets

Current and Upcoming Events

Pet Links

Tributes and Thanks

Contact Page

Sign Our Guest Book

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Merced's Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
By following the links to your left you will find, our "Adoptive Pets Page" which lists and displays many of the adoptive pets here at the shelter.
Our "MSPCA History Page" gives a brief history of our birth in the non-profit organization field, the trials and tribulations the Merced SPCA has endured over many years, and much more. The "Pet Links Page" will guide you to various sites of animal related interests. Our "Talk to Us Page" for questions, membership inquiries and adoptions. The "Current and Upcoming Events Page" will list mobile low cost vaccination sites in Merced and up coming fund raising events. And our "Tribute Page" which gives tribute to the many donors and contributors to the MSPCA.

Shelter Building Front
A view from the entrance of the parking lot. You can also see our large walking and training area located at the rear of our facility.

Please come back and visit us again. If you have ideas on improving upon the shelter or suggestions relating to the adoptive pets. Please send us an email as well...

The Merced SPCA would like to thank you for stopping by and saying Hello.. Office Space in Bangalore

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